Our Unique Purpose

Each one of us comes into this life with a unique purpose. There is something very specific that we are here to be, to do or to create, that will enhance the lives of all those we come in contact with, and bring us the greatest joy and deepest fulfilment in the process.

The natural next step is for us to create a clear vision for our future that is aligned with our true calling, so that we have something to actually live into. One of the ways of creating that clear vision is through meditation. Meditation is simply a way of quieting the mind, a way of silencing the mental chatter, so we can relax and hear our inner voice, the "small, quiet voice within" that always seeks to guide us toward a life of purpose, fulfilment, happiness and joy.

I want you to know that here is no coincidence in the Universe, and nothing happens by chance or by accident. Each event and adventure is called to our Self by our Self in order that we might create and experience who we really are. It is no accident that you find yourself reading this blog. It is an opportunity for you to seek and gain greater clarity around your life's purpose and to align your life with it.


Entry # 32


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