No Greater Creator Than You!

"There is no greater creator than you and no greater reason to create than the things you desire to have in your life!"

But, as everyone of us at some point has learned, focusing on the way we want our lives to be when things are not going our way in the present moment, is not the easiest thing to do. But if we have the determination to focus our attention in every area of our lives as we want it to be, rather than as it is, our lives will change dramatically.

Everything that we create is for the expressed purpose of the joyous satisfaction that it gives us as the source within us expands.
With every thought we think, with every desire we give birth to, the Universe expands. And it is only through our joyous quest that all of this is possible.

If we continually choose to feel good by focusing on what we want instead of on what we don't want, we will begin to notice the instant, benevolent and cooperative response of the Universe responding to our desires. As we do, we will quickly become someone who is willing to let go of everything and anything that is not part of our vibration. We will let bygones be bygones, the grudges and mistakes of others (and your own), complaints and ill-wishes, injustice and bad behaviour all become things of the past.

It is my sincere desire dear friend, that you think enough of yourself to want to feel good and do whatever it takes to feel good, even if that means ignoring those who lie to you, ignoring those things that you disapprove of, and turning your undivided attention to the thing you desire. The film 'the Secret' highlights the importance of feeling good. When we feel good we attract more things to feel good about. Like attracts like.

Your friend in unlimited possibility,



Entry # 30


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