In Alignment With Our Life Purpose

With stress and anxiety plaguing more and more people today, the fastest solution is often a pill -- pills such as the many antidepressants seen on the market.

What if there were more natural ways to healing? What if given the chance your body could heal itself?

Contrary to what Big Pharmaceutical companies have led the masses to believe, popping a pill to suppress the symptoms in the short term while dealing with drug-inherent side effects doesn't sound like the best option.

Thankfully, today an increasing number of people turn to group meditations, modern spirituality, and natural healing. More and more people are learning how to tune in to what their body and soul are trying to tell them about their true life calling, so that they can begin creating a life that’s a joyful expression of their highest purpose by creating a crystal clear vision for what they’d love to be, do, have and give in the four key domains of their lives: health, relationships, vocation, and time & money freedom.

One very popular such natural healing technique is body scanning. Through body scanning you can discover how to tell what you feel in your own body, whether specific people, opportunities or actions you’re thinking about taking are IN or OUT of alignment with your life purpose. Through this very effective technique you can recognize and release limiting thought patterns, and instill new, more empowering ways of thinking that will support you in creating a life of joy, passion, purpose and contribution to the world.

For many centuries, Eastern phylosophers like Sufism, Zen and Hatha yoga have highlighted the importance of body states, how they impact our consciousness, and their relationship to stress.
More recently, (during the last century), a one time student of Sigmund Freud named Wilhelm Reich, inspired Western psychiatry's interest in the body's interaction with emotional conditions. Other therapies such as Alexander Lowens' bioenergetic therapy and Perls' Gestalt therapy also closely focus on the relationship between the mind and the body.

By developing an awareness and understanding of how your own body responds to stress and other anxiety-provoking situations, you will receive important information about your personal stress response. This information will prove vital in the development of a stress-management plan designed just for you.

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Until next time.

Much love,

Evelyne X0X0


Entry # 22


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