Confidence in Social Situations

Do you sometimes feel shy or awkward in social situations?
Have you ever been to a social gathering where you've felt awkward and uncomfortable, or attended social events where you sometimes find yourself wishing you were someplace else?

Please know that are you are not alone. Many people, including me, admit to feeling the same way too. In fact, for a long period in my life whenever I was invited to a social gathering I would feel fear and panic and consequently made excuses for not attending the event. I did not understand why and felt confused because I knew that the social gatherings would be fun, especially since I would be surrounded by people whose company I enjoyed!

The truth is that even happy occasions can sometimes be the cause of much anxiety and self-consciousness. We may even feel like everyone else is having a good time except for us. Yet the truth is that everyone has felt shy and awkward on occasion. One of the best ways to overcome self-consciousness or get past your feelings of shyness at social gatherings is to focus on the people around you. If you can remember that other people might also be feeling awkward or shy, you might find the thought of speaking to them less intimidating or overwhelming.


Entry # 34


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